Copyright Statement
All contents published on the website of the Global Information Network of Printing Plant, Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as this website), except for those may not be the subject of copyright (such as laws, decrees, speeches prepared by civil servants, press releases, etc. - please refer to the provisions of Article 9 of the Copyright Act) according to the provisions of the Copyright Act, other texts, photographs, pictures, audio recordings, images and other information are protected by the copyright Act.
Anyone is free to use those above-mentioned non-subjects of copyright, and all sectors are welcome to use them.
For the information content of the Plant’s website protected by the Copyright Act, it can only be used with, in addition to the reasonable use, the property owner’s consent or authorization.
The above-mentioned reasonable uses are explained as follows:
- The works published on the Plant’s website under the name of the Plant, that is, the authors are the employees of the Plant, may be reproduced, publicly broadcasted or publicly transmitted within a reasonable extent. When using, the source shall be cited.
- The information on the Plant’s website can be reproduced for personal or family use of non-profit purposes.
- For reporting, commentary, teaching, research or other legitimate purposes, the information on the Plant’s website may be quoted to a reasonable extent, and the source shall be cited.
- For other reasonable uses, please refer to the provisions of Articles 44 to 65 of the Copyright Act.
Only the non-removed nor altered electronic rights management information complying with Article 80-1 of the Copyright Act can be legally used. Or, it must be removed or changed technically, due to the switching of the recording or transmission system. Otherwise, the rights management electronic information marked on the Plant’s website shall not be removed or changed without permission.
Linking to the Plant’s website
Generally, any website’s linking to our website does not need to be approved by the Plant. However, the link must clearly indicate the Plant’s name. The Plant shall not allow any link which may mislead users.
Related links of the Plant’s website
For the convenience of internet users, our website only provides links to relevant websites, and the Plant is not responsible for the user’s use of the website content.
The pages or information on the relevant linked websites provided by our website are provided by the linked websites. The relevant rights are owned by these websites or legal rights holders. The Plant makes no guarantee of their correctness, immediacy or completeness.